Massage Therapy





Speech Therapy

Hamilton physiotherapy & Speech therapy Care


The Kore PMT Acupuncture Process


1. Assessment

This powerful treatment is performed by   Dr. Jenna, DC,  Dr. Truscott-Brock, ND and Kelly Hopcraft, PT within their Scope of Practice. Receipts for these services are issued under “Chiropractic, Naturopathic or Physiotherapy” care for insurance purposes. Acupuncture requires the completion of a 60 minute assessment prior to performing any treatment.

2. Application

Tiny needles, no bigger than a hair strand are “tapped” into strategic regions of your body and work on the same principle as a lightening rod conducting electricity. Electrical currents in your body are drawn to the needle, promoting healing and pain relief.

3. Progression

Acupuncture sessions may consist of 15-45min appointments depending on the multiple areas treated and may occur weekly, bi-weekly or monthly depending on your doctor’s recommendations, and your response.


Hamilton physiotherapists, Kelly Hopcraft, PT and Eric ljubojevich, PT Resident offer a range of care that include soft-tissue injuries, acute/chronic injuries, arthritis disease, concussion/balance, general strength training and care for all age ranges including children, pregnancy, and seniors. 

1. Assessment

Your physiotherapist will spend 60 minutes discussing your health history and have you perform a range of movements to observe any limitations. Your assessment will include passive and active movement and you will need to come ready to move in comfortable clothing.

2. Treatment

Your plan will include various aspects of stretching, strengthening and manual care to improve your movement and reduce any discomfort.  You are always in control of this process. Your physio may offer manual and/or acupuncture techniques to help facilitate your healing.

3. Progression

Your improvement will depend on YOU! Are you attending your appointments regularly and/or completing your recommended exercises outside of care? Your physio will check in on your techniques and hold you accountable! Staying your strongest is our goal!

speech therapy

Our Speech-Language Pathologist, Lucia Crespo, provides assessment and treatment for a variety of Speech, Language, and Cognitive Communication Disorders. Each client’s treatment is tailored to their specific needs and personal priorities. Lucia works alongside Katrina Pabrucki, Communicative Disorders Assistant to provide additional availability for all speech services, offering more than 15 years of experience!

1. Assessment

Lucia completes an initial assessment by collecting a thorough medical history and based on concerns, a battery of tests will be administered.  These may include activities such as looking at pictures and talking about them.  The initial assessment is 60mins in length.

2. Treatment

Treatment will address areas of concern from the assessment that are not typical for someone’s age or sex.  Goals will be discussed together, and priority may be placed on those most important to the client. Session length and frequency will be determined upon initial assessment.  

3. generalization

Strategies and materials may be provided so families can work on speech goals at home, in order to build on the skills learned in therapy.  Afterall, practice makes progress!

Frequently Asked Acupuncture, physiotherapy & sPEECH THERAPY Questions

Is acupuncture safe?

Acupuncture is safe and effective. Your doctor or physiotherapist will discuss potential risks with certain conditions where needle insertion may by modified to prevent discomfort.

Is acupuncture invasive?

Acupuncture needles gently permeate your skin to the sub-dermis. Needles are tiny, the size of a hair strand and are rarely felt as they are “tapped” in.


When you arrive, you will be asked if you have any cold or flu symptoms to discern if you can safely enter our facility. If you are experiencing any  symptoms, your provider may ask you to mask or reschedule your appointment.

You will have been asked to complete a digital or paper health history intake form when booking online or you may be asked to arrive a few minutes early to complete forms.  

Your health provider will conduct an assessment that will include some physical testing. Dress in comfortable clothing for your appointment. Your provider may treat you during the initial visit. You have the right to consent and remove consent during treatment at ANY time. You always remain in control of your care! Following your service, remedial exercise, self-care and treatment plan frequency recommendations will be made to you. Your provider may also request the completion of blood work, diagnostic imaging or reports for future sessions.

We encourage you to ask questions during your visit, but don’t worry, if you forget, you can call or email us at anytime to ask! We are here to help you feel better!

How can acupuncture help me?

Acupuncture may provide relief from acute, sub-acute or chronic pain and inflammation in muscles, nerves, joints and organs.


Yes we do! Kore PMT works with several insurers including Canada Life, Manulife, Blue Cross, and Green Shield to name a few. We also work with auto insurers for Motor Vehicle Accident (MVA) claims.

Please have your benefit card, your spouse information (if applicable) and ID ready.

Acupuncture is billed under each provider’s scope of practice. This means your receipt must reflect either a Chiropractice, Naturopathic or Physiotherapy service. To utilize acupuncture from your benefits you must see a Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Registered Acupuncturist. Kore staff can refer you to a local therapist outside of our facility.

Payment is required for your first visit and any partial insurer payments. We cannot guarantee your first claim will be adjudicated on your first visit. 

YOU are responsible to check with your insurer to see what services you are covered for and what maximums you are entitled to. These differ for many employers and employee positions. Insurers do not provide this information to Kore PMT for claims.

You may also be required submit a doctor’s note or paper statement to your insurer for your first claim. Please find out before you attend your first appointment!


OHIP coverage is not provided for any service at our facility. We do however offer direct billing for our clientele who have extended health benefits. Bring in your benefit card and we will have you complete an authorization form allowing us to direct bill on  your behalf. If you are a spouse or dependant of a member, we will also obtain the member’s signature to authorize use of their benefits.
Please come prepared to pay for your appointment in full, should your benefits be denied for any reason.


No problem! You can call our office at (289) 674-4422 to reschedule or cancel your appointment. Please leave a message if you need to cancel.

Our office policy is 24 hours notice to allow us time to accommodate other patients. Cancellations within 24 hours are subject to a FULL charge.


  • Apr 1st, 2023 – Facemasks are now OPTIONAL in our facility
  • Hand cleaning, social distancing, symptom and optional facemask signs posted throughout facility
  • Verbal pre-screening upon arrival to appointment
  • Hand sanitizer station at front entrance and in all treatment rooms. Hand soap preference in washroom.
  • All hard/soft surfaces disinfected with Health Canada approved cleaner, Benefect Decon 30 after each patient contact and logged
  • All staff may opt to wear facemasks; health providers wearing minimum ASTM Level 3 surgical masks
  • Email, newsletter COVID communication and updates 


Kore PMT Privacy Policy

Collection, Use and Disclosure of Health Information

Updated October 1 2020

 Personal health information collected by our facility, Kore Professional Massage Therapy (PMT) and all staff, is managed securely by the requirements set out in the Personal Health Information Protection Act (PHIPA) and Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA).

As a patient/client or substitute decision maker of our facility, you have agreed to provide your health information for viewing and collaboration amongst health care providers in our facility that are deemed essential to your “circle of care”.  We may share your health information with other health providers outside of this facility, with insurer requests and where required by law, only with your expressed written consent.  

Kore PMT continues to maintain all patient/client hardcopy files in secure, locked storage on premises when not in use and are insured from any facility damage.  Access to your personal health information is available at any time during office hours for viewing. Requested copies of personal health information may be obtained for a photocopy fee. Large file copying may require 1-2 days of time for completion. 

Electronic storage of your personal health information is maintained and securely stored by NoTerro Incorporated. Patient/client contact information, health information, appointment scheduling and financial summaries are stored with NoTerro over 256-bit SSL encrypted connections, and encrypted data at rest. Data is backed-up every hour with remote, multi-region replication. Closed circuit televisions and 24 x 7 x 365 onsite security teams vigilantly protect NoTerro servers. Military-grade pass card access and biometric finger scan units provide further security. NoTerro complies with all PHIPA and PIPEDA requirements.

Your personal health information consent, whether verbal or written in regard to hard-copy files and/or digital files may be withdrawn at any time. Suspected breaches to any personal health information by patients/clients or staff within our facility must be reported immediately to our Information Health Custodian, who then must report any breaches immediately to the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario for disciplinary action.

Please direct any questions or concerns or suspected breaches about your health information to our Information Health Custodian, Kerri Olds-Rhinds, Kore PMT owner and practicing health provider.


We offer Kore Care Accounts! 

You can start an account for yourself, friend, family member or co-worker and credit the account with any denomination! Right now all purchases are in-clinic but online accounts are coming soon!

The credited account can be used for Massage Therapy, Chiropractic, Naturopathic, and Acupuncture care, Orthotics or any Kore PMT products!

We will print a Kore Care Account certificate for your recipient and dress it up in a white Kore gift bag with blue and green tissue paper to start your healthy journey!